There is a language that we all intuitively know how to speak. It is the language of our heart, the language of our birthright. Unfortunately, though, through the conditioning of our lives, we have ceased speaking this language or it has become quite garbled in our head.

For most of us, we never learned to answer the question, “What do I really want in my life?” with any amount of power. All too often on the way to answering the question we get distracted and waylaid on so many levels that it becomes difficult to see through the chaos of our humanity to what’s possible.

But, when we begin to remember the language of the heart, we remember to think through the Law of Possibility and in the way of I deserve and I accept. When we recoup this language and use it to express our heart’s desire, our world begins to take on a different texture and that texture is so beautiful.

For the new student this sounds unreasonable or Pollyanna-ish but only in the new mind and only for a short time. This is an understandable reaction because what we teach goes against all of the western human education and conditioning. But for both the new mind and the more experienced mind, ask yourself if there has been a time when you questioned why the wonderment of your child-like way of wishing and wanting without restrictions is reserved for the young and for the ones least capable of creating what they want except in their own mind?

Well, the truth is, it’s not.

We teach that there is only One - One Mind, one Power, one Love, one God - One. We believe that we each, to the level of our own acceptance, are the direct offspring of this Intelligent, Creative Nature which is Omnipotent and Omnipresent and to the degree that we open ourselves to accept our good, it shows up in our lives.

Call it God, Spirit, Love, Energy or anything you want - but know that It is constantly pouring Itself into and through you and all that this Eternal and Infinite Source does, is morph and change into more good in direct accord with the mold we each provide.

Now we come back to the term: Your Heart’s Desire. If you could speak about all the desires of your heart without restriction and give full, beautiful descriptive language to the essence of you that lives within your heart, your language would change now and stay changed. If you could really grasp the absolute Truth told by a millennium of spiritual teachers that you create as you think and as your speak, you would never again speak a word against yourself or

anyone else.

The problem is this, you have been taught to disconnect from yourself as a receptive source of power and in so doing have become a lazy speaker and thinker which creates a life that does not bring you happiness. We have nothing but our word/thought. We ARE our word/thought. Are you convinced yet? Remember, the power for transformation is yours and yours alone. The way to most potently activate this power within you is to accept full, 100% responsibility for ALL of your life. The moment you find that willingness, you begin to align yourself with the creative potency of this Universe/God.

Let’s assume for now that you are a full-fledged believer, what do you do now? Listen deeply to your heart, to the depth and purity of your heart, not your ego. As you begin to hear what really matters to you, begin to speak from that creative place. Describe what your heart wants without reservation or resistance or explanation. Allow yourself to find the words that describe what your heart and soul need to feel fully expressed. For example, if you feel guided to start a new profession and before now only your fear and logic have had a voice, quiet your fear by going past it to this deeper listening. Just go directly to what you want and describe it. Don’t qualify it or make excuses for why you want it, just allow yourself to be in relationship with the Divine and the flow of good as it moves toward you.

Use creative, descriptive language. Think of a beautiful work of art that utilizes all color and texture or, a classical piece of music presented by a full orchestra. Be the co-creator of YOU as your own masterpiece. Speak of your life in ways that are loving, healing, creative and abundant. Remember your true heart is wildly passionate with conviction in your favor and, it is highly, highly intelligent. It would not waste time wishing, begging, wanting and hoping. It only knows acceptance, declaration and a willingness to Be all that is its birthright. It uses language that says things like: ‘I am now willing to accept my good without reservation. I am willing, ready and open to a life full of joy, peace, harmony and laughter. Abundance finds me wherever I am because my I am is the I Am of God, one and the same, now and always. This and things like this are the language of the heart. The heart loves and allows love which is another way of allowing God to express through you. Speak to Spirit from your heart. Speak with great abandon, passion and conviction and then allow your life to unfold in the most beautiful way possible.

May you carry this little reminder with you wherever you go to serve your highest and most beautiful life that is possible.




Choices Choices