Before you begin, acknowledge that who you were when I erred is not who you are now. The state of consciousness that existed when you transgressed against another or yourself is not the state of consciousness that you live from now. You are an evolved version of yourself and know with full confidence that you deserve to be free of the pain and suffering you have endured.
Treatment for Self-Forgiveness:
One Life, one Spirit, one Essence of Good flowing through me in all moments of my life. This Life is power, is love, and it transforms me every time I open myself and become available to It. It expresses as my life in the most beautiful and stunning ways.
This One beautiful and powerful Life and I are One now and forevermore.
The more conscious I am of my value in this life, and the more aware I am of the freedom that I desire and deserve to express, the more I declare my willingness to practice true self-forgiveness and self-compassion. I am not now limited to who I have been, to anything that has ever happened to me, or my mistakes and transgressions. Today, right now, I commit to forgiving myself completely.
Anywhere in my subconscious where there has been a collection of memories, stories, pain, and most specifically where these elements have created beliefs that have informed my life and my choices – all of it – is right now uprooted, cast out, neutralized, never again to have any power or influence over me. This pain will never again determine who I am.
I have one identity – God. I have one authority – God. In this One, I rest and live and have my being. Today, in the most conscious way possible, I choose to forgive myself, my past, my mistakes. I forgive myself for any harm that I have ever perpetrated upon another. I forgive myself for any harm that I have ever perpetrated upon myself. I forgive myself for lingering in the suffering of all of my self-judgments. Today, I declare that I am DONE! I choose FREEDOM. I choose to LOVE myself as I Am, and as I have always been. I love the All of me. I recognize the innocence that lives within me and always has. I recognize that there is a place within that has never been hurt, harmed, or injured in any way – this is the Truth of my Being.
I am free, free to be love, free to be fully expressed, free to be open to receiving a bounty of good that I have never known before this moment.
With bountiful and unending gratitude, I surrender this word to Love and to Law!
And so it is!