For two decades I have lived inspired by the words, or should I say the questions posed in Oriah Mountain Dreamer’s Poem, The Invitation,
“I want to know if you can disappoint another to be true to yourself.
If you can bear the accusation of betrayal and not betray your own soul.”

Yesterday, in stating my prayer request to my prayer partner, I acknowledged my need to forgive myself for not making myself my priority. Oh my. Not until these words came from my mouth did I realize what I was up against. To admit to you that to this day I am only now considering that I am important enough to put at the top of the list is downright embarrassing. Yes, I am judging myself, I am no fool. This is about being transparent and transforming my behavior. Judge me if you want but remember, we each carry the weight of each of our judgments.

Can I disappoint another to be true to myself? Well, usually not. But I am most definitely willing to now and going forward. How about you? Can I bear the accusation of betrayal to not betray my own soul? Well, I have not, until now. But, yes, now I can. How about you?

Now, this time in my life is the time that I state – no more, no longer will I live from the back of the line. Does this mean that I no longer love, honor, and adore my husband, my sons, (their wife and girlfriend), and my grandchildren, hell no! This means that my love will be cleaner, more available and without any pocketed resentment. This means that when I give of myself, I give completely, totally, without reservation.

Do you not deserve to live a life fully expressed, boldly, brilliantly? I say yes. Yes you do. Might it be uncomfortable at first? Probably, but is it any less uncomfortable than not taking care of yourself, then feeling taken for granted? I think not. Take the first step, break the mold, up-level your standard for living. Love yourself so completely that when you walk into a room everyone around you will feel more comfortable and they will be able to love themselves in a greater way because in loving yourself in this way you give permission for others to do the same.

Blessings you beautiful being. Go forth and express, fully express.


Loving the Shadow
