With Age comes Wisdom

As a teen, everyone appears old. As a young adult, elders appear out of touch and ridiculous. Once you have children, married or not, you begin to reflect upon the things you heard your parents say and consider they might have been onto something. Cross over into your forties, and now you are confident that you spent your youth critiquing the wisest people in the world. The good thing about aging is this, as you age, you realize that you do not care about what younger individuals think about you. You care less and less as you mature about anyone’s opinion of you.

After fifty years alive and beyond, your perspective – if you are a conscious human, begins to shift. It becomes more about your legacy and your impact on the world, starting with your close friends and family. For this reason, I do the work that I do, the teaching and coaching that I do, and therefore I focus on my anti-racism work, in addition to how my life impacts the earth and mother nature directly.

There are people in my life that I love and care about very deeply. These people are from all walks of life. If I care about them, then I must care about the issues that impact them. There are thousands of causes all around you where you can dedicate your mind and money. There are endless options. Everything from digging wells in countries where water is a scarce and valued commodity, to ceasing sex trafficking, to the destruction of our forests to grow cheap crops that do not benefit the planet but simply fill the bank accounts of the few.

We can’t do everything for every cause, but just like throwing that one proverbial starfish back into the ocean, you can make a difference somewhere right now. With my earned wisdom and being on the later side of my years, my focus is on these things:

• Anti-racism work. Why, because I have people of color in my life and I love them dearly, so I am for whatever increases the value of their lives. Please check out my continued work with Healing the Divide.

Forgiveness. I will continue to teach forgiveness because it opens and heals the heart and allows individuals to retrieve their wholeness and happiness. Here, I have a special place in my heart to support those who have known any kind of mental, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse. I am here for them. When someone is whole, they are a benefit to society.

The Science of Mind. I will keep teaching the Science of Mind because it is the most dependable and comprehensive teaching, I know of to lift and empower individuals.

I will also look at people in the eye when I talk to them, ask people how they are, tip generously, find reasons to compliment anyone, tell the truth, remain transparent and authentic, and trust that my beingness, which is spirit inspired, allows others to recognize their own perfection and spirit.


WHERE DO YOU SPEND YOUR MONEY? Remember every dollar spent is a vote to support or not.


Be Bigger than the Issue!


Silence Demonstrates