Be Bigger than the Issue!

I speak and pray with many individuals whose most sincere desires are to be an agent for change in our world and on our planet.

You see it all on the news feed: the right, the left, the vaccinated, the non-vaxed, there is no climate change, the glaciers are melting, the rivers are drying up, arm our teachers with guns, ban assault rifles, Black lives matter, all lives matter, ban abortions but make no plans to help once the child is born. OH MY!

There is only one solution, or shall I say one direction of that one solution. The one solution – is love, love in every form, and it does have many forms. We cannot fix something that we are not willing to be responsible for; it all lives outside of us. Yes, the evidence of these issues appears larger, bolder, and bigger than our individual lives, but it begins within, within our hearts, within our minds, and within our consciousness.

We must be bigger than the problem we see, bigger than the issue. We must look above what appears to be the evidence of tragedy. We must observe the world through our intentions.

How do we do this? How do we become the solution, to observe the world in its potential perfection, as healed, as whole, as balanced? We must be these things. You are made up of trillions of cells, and your job is to first bring your body, mind, and spirit to be in sync; then you will be standing in your power. This power, when grounded, will be that which you observe the world through and engage with. Your potential as whole is powerful beyond your imagination.

What does whole look like, and how do we get there? That, my friend, is a very individual journey.  My journey was unique to my mental and emotional needs, and yours will be unique to you. But make no mistake, to be a force for good, you must begin within. Clean up your inner landscape, and you will see the world differently, and you will know your role intuitively.

Ultimately, let us choose love over condemnation. Let us learn to love ourselves as we are and as we are not, and then allow this love to impact how we engage others and how we observe the world. Let’s be the place – wherever we are – that love resides, speaks, and acts from. As Edward Markham states in the above quote, let us draw a circle and draw “the others” inside our circle of love, and allow the seeming magic of this love to be our only reality.  Let the size of our love be bigger than any issue at hand.



My fine feathered friends


With Age comes Wisdom