Silence Demonstrates

Surprised by how your life is showing up? Surprised because as a spiritual and metaphysical being you know that you create your world through the spoken word. You mind your language, choose wisely, you practice being kind, conscious, and compassionate and still life seems to be turning out differently than you would like. How is this possible?

Because silence is rarely silent. A truly silent mind is uncommon unless you are an experienced meditator and know how to empty your mind. Let’s be honest, these people exist but most of us are walking around with a busy, thinking mind. While you are busy engaging the world, have a family, a profession, a job, or just out there living your life, your mind is active. The activity of your mind can take many forms, but it is quite likely that you allow yourself to think and ponder things that you would not say aloud because you are nice, conscious, and compassionate.

But, behind those thoughts, it is likely that you are experiencing some judgment, frustration, upset and disagreement with the world around you. And, your life is demonstrating based on those thoughts. Not only does the silence of your mind demonstrate, so do your feelings, ponderances, daydreaming, and unspoken judgments and criticisms of yourself and others.

Reality is the result of Law that creates and responds to all vibrations, not just the spoken word. We live in a universe where there is only ONE. This One, and the natural law of creation, permeates and penetrates all that is. This One Creative Law responds to all energy, all vibrations, to each word spoken, and each unspoken thought.

Let’s break this down!

Don’t be surprised if your demonstrated life looks different than what you think it should because you speak wisely and you know you are a good person. If there is a difference look deeper, watch your unspoken words, your unexpressed feelings, and the beliefs that you struggle to manage. Observe your deeper fears and beliefs. Monitor your internal activity.

Changing your mind doesn’t happen overnight, it happens one thought at a time. In addition, take time to heal your inner-landscape, then your beautiful, healed, and whole silence will demonstrate a beautiful and gentle life. Invest the time, you will be glad you did.

You are worth the effort.


With Age comes Wisdom


No One Owes You Anything