No One Owes You Anything

As I have said before: READ WITH AN OPEN MIND!

No one owes you anything. Sounds a bit cold, right? Well, what if this is absolutely true. What if your mother, your father, your siblings, or your children own you nothing? Where do you go with your desires and expectations of having a loving relationship with them if they don’t have to love you back? Think of the freedom that comes without expectations.


You are a glorious earth-bound collection of cells; science says between thirty-seven to one hundred trillion cells. Science and some atheists would describe you in a scientific and mechanical way, but I see it differently. I am not here to argue against the science, I am simply offering another point of view. That view? Love.  You are a glorious earth-bound collection of cells; between thirty-seven to one hundred trillion cells inspired by LOVE. Love birthed you.  Love is what called you into being. Love is the energy that manufactures the cells that comprise your body. Feel into this idea, the idea that you – are – love!

Now, if you are the made of the love of which I speak, and you declare yourself as whole, perfect and complete, then no one can add to you or take from you. If your fullness and wholeness is intact, then you can stop waiting for love from anyone, anywhere, at any time.

If you are love, itself, you don’t need anything and waiting around to fill your unrequited love is a misdirection of your attention and a waste of your time and energy. You are love. Not only can nothing be added to that which is already perfect, expecting someone else to fill you will leave your wanting and wanting weakens your resolve.

Here is the practical side of this conversation. Wanting someone to love you or to fill you is another way of saying that there is someone outside of you that can make you whole – this is a lie. Wanting love from those who are most likely to love you, who seem the logical ones to love you does not work if they do not have it to give. Because your mother gave birth to you, does not mean that she was equipped to handle the call to motherhood. This might be contrary to the globally agreed upon expectation but there are millions of individuals walking around as adults unhappy because mommy and daddy didn’t love them ‘right’.

You are LOVE, itself. If you resonate with this, then it is not a far cry for you to realize that your parents don’t owe you anything; primarily, because they can’t give what they don’t have. If you feel completely loved by those around you, you are a fortunate being, but the truth is you were full to begin with. That love is the gravy.

Kahlil Gibran in his classic work, the Prophet said about children: “they come through you but belong not to you.” You are a child of the beloved one and your parents are simply the vessel. Take your power back, love yourself so completely that all other love is an addition. You are Love, you are already full, nothing can be added to you.


Silence Demonstrates


One for All