One for All

“He ain’t heavy, he’s, my brother.” Song by the Hollies.

Twenty-two years ago, I got off a bus in Pacific Grove, CA after going to the aquarium all day with friends. My son, Seth, was three at the time. He was out cold, exhausted from the day. When disembarking the bus, I heaved him up in my arms to walk up the slight hill to get to my hotel room. Silently to myself, I declared, “I can do this, God’s got this. God takes the weight of Seth.” After walking across the street and up the hill just a few steps, I suddenly felt a tap on my shoulder, it was my friend Steve Worthing who had gone to the aquarium with us. I turned, and as our eyes met, he took Seth from my arms. I will forever be grateful for the help and for the lesson.

What lesson do you say? The lesson that says when I humble myself and trust in the Power of the One, I am cared for. This care can come in many ways, but it most definitely comes. When we open our hearts and our arms, love and support will greet you right where you are. When I turned and saw Steve standing there I knew that God, as Steve, was there to help me.

This is what I know for sure; when we make room in our heart and choose to love and support another – any others – our heart and our love expand. Whether you pray for someone, hold a door open, or tithe to an individual who inspired you, you will always benefit. Any good that is given and expressed benefits the whole. Generosity expressed anywhere is felt everywhere. This is one of the foundational principles of New Thought. All New Thought, while being expressed in different ways, agrees with the unity of life itself. There is no private good.

Greed exists when individuals can’t see that we, the overall, collective “we,” are in this global experience together. Want to open the flow of good in your life? Give more! Give more time, more talent, more treasure. Give more love, more compliments, and more spiritual support. Tell the people you love that you believe in them. And, give to the person who will never know your name.

One for all does not require that you sell everything and go on the road volunteering for all sorts of causes, it calls for you to remember that right where you are, you are meaningful. You as a point of consciousness impact the whole. You as one individual benefit the collective.


No One Owes You Anything


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