No Politics Here?


No politics or religion at the table. We have all heard this at some family holiday gathering. It is the rule that keeps us safe. Safe from anger, upset and family battles, but as all things in life, it is way more complicated than just saying no politics. No politics in this time, especially within spiritual communities, has us avoid important and powerful conversations that need to be brought out into the light. NOT politics for politics sake, NOT discussions about politicians, NOT arguing about the left or the right or liberalism, but discussions about human rights. Unless we conscious and caring individuals stand in the power of our purpose and our way of being, people we care about will slowly lose their rights.

Let’s step out of political discussions and turn our attention to the truth of our Principles. I ask you, who has the right to tell someone who they can love? Who has the right to minimize the power and gifts of women? Who has the audacity in this year of 2022 to continue to ignore the call to stand for the rights and privileges of people of color? NO ONE! We don’t have to agree about politics to agree about the rights of our God-given, God-ordained birthrights of equality and equanimity.

Is there one road, one solution, one way of rising above these limitations, no, there is no one fell swoop that will deliver freedom and a solution to us. We must chip away, one thought, one belief, one action at a time. Yes, action. Action in the form of conversation that we, the conscious activate, action in being educated about what’s going on, action in our voting, action in marching if called for. We must be willing to be uncomfortable as we offer a hand up to those who are impacted. We, the privileged, are required to use our privilege for the greater good.

How does this complement the Science of Mind and Spirituality in general? If you are one who believes that we all come from and are empowered by the One and are all equal, then we cannot allow those who are committed to taking these rights and privileges away from others to happen. To be spiritually polite whilst our brothers and sisters suffer is incongruent and complicit. When you are conscious you have a greater responsibility to stand in the power of your conscious conviction.

There are states in this union of ours where same sex marriages are being threatened. Can you imagine in this year of 2022 that that is still a conversation? WHY? Because those who stand against the personal God-given rights of others are organized, financially backed, and highly righteous.

We have consciousness on our side. We have the love of Spirit on our side. We have Oneness at the Center of our being which also exists at the heart of those who would take our rights away, so we must be verbal, conscious, prayerful, and in action. Someone you love, whose rights are being threatened, is depending upon you getting off the fence and acting. Maybe you’re not prepared to talk politics, but are you ready to witness rights being revoked. Let’s talk Principle. LET’S TALK FROM LOVE!


One for All


Refuse To Not Love Yourself!