What if?

Rev. Dr. Michelle Wadleigh

What if you were not the limitations you thought you were?

What if the things you believe about yourself are lies?

What if you could love yourself completely without reservation?

What if you could remember being loved and adored at birth?

What if the cynicism of the world had no impact on you?

What if you could acquire your dreams?

What if you weren’t afraid ever again?

What if you could impact the world with one new idea, what would that be?

What if you could let your heart be seen – safely? Who would we see?

What if you could create your heart’s desire, what would that be?

Consider this. . . . Think about the possibility of you expressing yourself in your most unencumbered way. If you pondered your wholeness and possibility more than ruminating over your fear, worry, and doubt, life would express itself in a whole new way. What if throughout the day, you remembered you are perfect, and that your Divine Birthright was one of total love, health, prosperity, beauty, joy, and grace. What if you began acting from this reality?

Our pondering, daydreaming, ruminating is part of our co-creation process. Even our undisciplined habits of gossip and complaining are co-creative. Most people are unaware of the power that these habits exude and don’t notice because it is happening unconsciously. It is our participation in these unconscious life habits that often lay the foundation for the feelings we carry in the world.

Every moment of each day is the possible building block of a new you. Try this, sit for a moment, and ponder your complaints, check in with your body and see how your body feels. Now, take a moment and ponder the possible magic of life, love, joy, beauty, and gratitude and check in with your body again. Your body knows, listen to it, trust it.

What if you could stay conscious about the reality that you are the beautiful and direct evidence of God, Spirit, Love. What if you basked in that Truth every day? What if every breath was a prayer and every prayer was answered?

Happy Holy Season Beloved One

#lInterested in coaching? revjerseygirl@gmail.com


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