Simple but Hard

Rev. Dr. Michelle Wadleigh

Tell someone to stop thinking so negatively is sound advice and appears so simple, however, to turn one’s attention away from criticism, negativity, and doom and gloom towards that which is uplifting and positive can be likened to turning a cruise ship around on a dime.

If you are one of those people who believe that everyone is out to get you, or that all doctors, lawyers, and corporations are evil and only in it for the money, then asking you to change your mind toward a lighter, more accepting point of view might seem ridiculous and impossible. But, this shift of thinking and reframing could save your life more than you can imagine.

Self-criticism, and criticism of others, can be seen as being honest and calling something what it is, but unchecked and unexamined the consistent impact of living in that world of criticism and condemnation will leave you carrying the weight of the culmination of those criticisms. That weight becomes a barrier between you and love, joy, and healing.

For much of the world, worry is the way that one loves and cares for another. Try telling that individual that worry generates the exact opposite effect and they simply will not believe you.

All these thinking habits are those which create the experience of limitation, struggle, sadness, and melancholy. Changing your mind and keeping it changed is a simple idea, but where it gets hard is in the application. Pain, jealousy, are distracting and blinding, and cause us to believe in form. When we experience this discomfort it causes us to think that there is something outside of us that creates our reality. We MUST remember – there is no outside. Working with this idea is not for the faint of heart – yes, it is hard. 

Our power to create or to recreate comes from the combination of taking responsibility for our experience and turning our attention away from false causes. The same goes for our relationships. If you find yourself blaming another, think to yourself – no one outside me creates my happiness but me – there is no other.

If this sounds like magical thinking, think again. In truth, it is simply logical. No one crawls inside your skin and governs you like a mannequin. Life as we experience it is caused by what we make something mean, by our translation. It is not that life is not challenging. Life is challenging. We were never promised an easy life. But, being a child of the Beloved one, you were gifted the ability to see through the challenges and rise above them.

DON’T confuse your pain with reality. DON’T let the news distract you. Our pain stems from being separate from the One. GO HOME, go to Source, to God, to Spirit, to Energy, to Earth. Remember who you are!

I am a worthy, wonderful child of the Beloved. My Divine Birthright is one of health, wholeness, creativity, abundance, and love. I accept this as my reality NOW!


The Wisdom of Pause


What if?