The Wisdom of Pause

Rev. Dr. Michelle Wadleigh

The winter, the pause, the quiet, the slower pace of the cold as it is experienced by those living in zones that have seasons, grows us in faithful ways. The quiet that comes both from the slowing down and from the occasional or frequent snow fall is an invitation to go within, breathe, and recognize the inspiration that is calling.

Watching winter with its bare trees is similar to having faith. If you chose to label life according to this snapshot, you could imagine life to be hard, bare, cold and not forthcoming of the fruits of earth. But you know better, you are not looking at a dead tree, you are looking at a beautiful winter pause. The trees are very much alive, contrary to their appearance. If one were visiting from a tropical climate, they might think the trees are dead, but you know better.  They are in a state of pause.

Because you have the wisdom and the experience, you don’t need to panic, you know, and you know that you know. In life we are called to pause in between experiences, including jobs, relationships, and states of healing. When we can apply the faith of the pause to our lives in the very same way that we look at those bare winter trees without panic there is a wisdom that comes to comfort us.

Learning to breathe in a mindful way to support those times of pause is a great practice. The same thing applies when we pray/treat. Between the spoken word that is set free and the manifestation is a time of pause. Unrecognized for what it is, some may panic and think It’s not working, when indeed It is. It is working at the level of which It works, not something we can see at the surface. When we have the wisdom of pause, we can sit mindfully and trust the creative process. The seed must be received and fertilized, and it will grow at its own individual pace.

We can not force growth or manifestation anymore then we can force the leaves to grow on the trees in the middle of winter. Enjoy the pause. Have faith when you free your prayers, dreams, and intentions, they need you to let go of them in order to be demonstrated. To question the power of your prayer would be like cutting the tree down, and bringing it indoors because you want the leaves to grow. You would never do that. You know better. The pause needed for spring to come is the same as allowing Spirit to create through you and is a necessary part of growing your faith. When we have faith we move into a state of allowing and accepting.

It is upon us to free our desires; breathe patiently and faithfully and simply allow the process of the pause.  Affirm for yourself: My faith is strong; I steady myself to allow for my good.


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