Oh, Those Glorious Skeletons

Rev. Dr. Michelle Wadleigh

This blog is not for the deeply religious or those who spend hours daily in prayer and meditation. This post is for those rushing around, doing all the time, and keeping so busy that they can barely think. It is for those who come sliding into the holiday season with a long to-do list and an expectation of not getting everything done in time. And this is for those who have not discovered how to drink of the magic of this Holy Season. I know this and likely so do other ministers because while we are concerned with our own list of to-do’s, we often exhaust ourselves while trying to create sacred experiences for others.

This blog is not meant to minimize in any way the sacred as it has been created for thousands of years but to bring forth an opportunity to experience the sacred - now, today, in this Holy 2020 season. If you are wondering why, it’s because the sacred has a beautiful, powerful, and healing impact on your body, your health, and your soul. Being plugged in and connected to the beauty of life that surrounds you will open you to a greater experience of your wholeness and of your Soul.

There are only two simple and necessary steps to create the Sacred in your home and in your life. Yes, you could complicate it more, but it is not necessary. These steps should be included in everything you do. They are, s l o w   d o w n and be conscious of that which is before you.

You might remember the Zen saying: Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water, after enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. You see, you are the ingredient that makes everything sacred or lost. You - who you are, what you see through your eyes, how open your heart is, and how you label or judge all things and people, are the secret to the Sacred.

Here are some steps to creating the Sacred:

  • Keep a candle lit in your home with the idea that you are acknowledging Spirit and inviting It in.

  • If you have plants in your home, care for them with great love and keep live flowers in view for when you walk into your home.

  • Keep your home clean, not just for the sake of cleanliness, but because your home provides a roof to keep you safe. As you clean do so consciously. When you make your bed, slow down and appreciate your bed. Bless your home and your possessions, they are living things.

  • When you do laundry, slow down and appreciate your clothes, fold them consciously.

  • When you eat, bless your food, even if you do so silently. Remember to bless the farmers and the land.

  • Count your blessings as you go to sleep and be grateful for another day when you awake.

This is not an exhaustive list at all, but as you use your imagination, you will find other ways to bring the Sacred into your home. Happy Holy Season to you.

Stay Conscious, go slow, and be kind to yourself always.


What if?


Easy Steps to Creating the Sacred