The Quest for Self-Love

Without self-love you are doomed to fall into the trap of believing what the world believes about you, says about you, and what it might say directly to your face.

Self-love is not the self-centered act that it is so often labeled to be. Self-love is a survival tool and the only true relationship that can save your life. You are never truly alone, but that does not prevent you from feeling lonely. In your loneliest of moments, self-love is the only love that can fill that vast emptiness that we feel when we forget who we are. When life throws challenges at you, it is your self-love that will lift you, embrace you, and comfort you. Developing it might not be easy, but it will save your life, your heart, and your relationship with the rest of the world around you.

When you begin your quest to expand your self-love or maybe to understand it, the path to getting there is not a straight path and it has many distractions along the way. Self-love is, in a way, the magic cure for many emotional and physical ailments. Along that path, you will come face to face with your demons, your self-judgments, and your self-doubts. You might be shocked and overwhelmed by the amount of limited thinking, beliefs, and habits that are blocking your path. PRESS ON. Don’t believe what you see, don’t give your power away, and don’t believe what the world might tell you.

To love the self of you is to love God as you. That love, that pure essence, is the only true healing salve that exists, because that love seeps deep within your being and will carry you when times are tough, and times will be tough. If you are engaging the world and have a grand idea for yourself the path for your life will be filled with opportunities to get to know yourself more. (in other words, challenges) When relationships get tough, your self-love will be there to remind you of who you are.

If you are struggling, you are probably being called to do some forgiveness work. The struggle is an indication that you are believing something or someone is against you. Your forgiveness practice will help you to take your power back and allow your self-love to be your authority once again. Then you will be available to love others more completely.

How do you love what appears to be unlovable? Think of the forest that gives season after season, think of the mother who loves unconditionally her children who forget to reach out, think of victims of serious crime who choose to forgive their offender so they themselves can be free. No one outside of you is against you. If it appears that way turn within, look for that place of beauty, power, and source, that was born with you. Self-love is another way of loving God as you. God demands nothing in return for Its unending love and grace. Self-love is the only Quest worthy of your time and attention. You are worthy of the bounty of self-love.

Go and be love my beloved. Go and be love.


Let Go of Approval


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