Let Go of Approval

When? When will we stop looking around at who is watching, at who is forming an opinion? When will we stop needing approval? What if you are not a nice person? Can you live with yourself anyway? Whose approval would make it okay? What can be added to you by finding that approval? Nothing. Nothing gets added to you by someone thinking that you are something. You do not matter because someone says you do, you matter just because! You are not worthy because something thinks you are, you are worthy because of the breath of life that is breathing you.

And this will sound stereotypical, but women do this, by far, more than men. Women must stop. We torture ourselves, our minds, our bodies. Billions of dollars spent yearly to make us what we are not – for what – approval? What approval can finally make you enough? What are we teaching our young girls?

When did self-love and self-approval stop being enough? Even now, with this blog, I am trying like hell to fluff up your fragile ego. Who the hell am I? I am you, my friend. I, too, am constantly working to own myself, my mind, my peace of mind. I am you my friend, deep at the center where we are all connected. I listen to so many individuals, but mostly women, who are constantly forgetting that they belong to no one but themselves. This must be remembered moment to moment to moment.

I could say I beg of you, but in truth what I mean is I beg of myself –

·         Let me remember who I am, a child of the One.

·         Let me remember that I am deserving of profound love, mine first.

·         Let me walk the sweet path of self-love and self-acceptance and hold the light for others.

·         Let me turn a deaf ear to any outside criticism and opinions.

·         Let me walk confidently into the days I have left on this earth, loving the All of me, the more of me, the not yet expressed of me.

Beloved reader, tears begin to run down my face each time I see you suffer. The world must stop suffering. You do not deserve this suffering, not now, not ever. There is an ever flowing river of love seeking you out. It wants nothing more than your yes. Once you say yes, It will flow through you like a silk ribbon sweetly runs over your skin. It will whisper to you in the night like a secret lover. And, although we are speaking of love, this love is fierce, powerful, and like the river that carves into the rock to pave a path. It will touch you in all places within that only Spirit can reach and create a path for you to walk upon into the light of your being.


I love you mommy


The Quest for Self-Love