The Gift of Invisibility

If you are a gray-haired individual who is close to or past the age of Medicare and retirement – especially if you are a woman, you have likely had the experience of being dismissed. The time of being noticed, flirted with, or checked out has now given way to people holding the door for you and saying “yes, ma’am” or “yes, sir”. Most of us remember when we had the realization that men/women stopped paying attention to us. I know I can almost remember the moment.

Once you are passed the shock of being dismissed, which can take some time depending upon who you are, the gift of this invisibility does begin to show itself. The gift? In this position you can witness life, people, behavior almost as a stalker. While no one is watching you, you get to watch everyone else. And, since this is happening at a time of you being older, you are also wiser, so you get to witness through your wisdom.

Witnessing the world through wise eyes is a fascinating practice. Every day you can see individuals just trying to get through life. Parents struggling with their teens, neighbors worried about their lawn, cashiers complaining because they are certain they are getting a raw deal and they need their break. Through wise eyes, the struggle looks so simple. Your many years of experience allows you to know better and to prioritize differently. If only we could say to individuals, it’s okay, it’s not that important, you will get through this, and have them believe us. But alas, they are building their years of experience.

But there is more. Only after a certain age can you walk down the street or into a place of business and see what is going on without people realizing that they are being watched. Why? Because you are invisible. This isn’t something to fight or get upset over, it just is. The quicker one accepts this reality, the quicker we can find amusement in this state of being.

Wisdom and years has everyone looking so young and adorable. Enjoy the invisibility. YOU ARE NOT ALONE, that is for sure. We are the silver tsunami, the baby boomers, the old folk, and while we might be invisible to the young, we can see and commune with each other.


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