Compare NO MORE

There is no quicker way to diminish your “self” then to compare yourself to others. Comparison and competition share some elements but are very different in very important ways. Competition can be serious and can be fun. Healthy competition causes one to strive for their highest expression while comparison – at least where you are comparing yourself to others is seated in limited and loss. When you compare yourself to others, most often this act is based in your not-enough-ness. It is born from you not believing in who you are and how you show up.

You’re not alone and haven’t done this totally on your own. The habit of comparison is supported from within your family, school, and work.  

Imagine what it would be like if instead of looking around at others, and losing yourself in that comparison, you walked around affirming yourself? What if you looked in the mirror every day and said, “I love you?” What if you credited yourself with the effort you extend and not just the finished product? What if you took your struggle and said, I can do this, I know I can? What if you became your own best cheerleader? How would your life change?

Let’s say this very clearly. STOP COMPARING YOURSELF TO OTHERS!

The question rolling around in your head right now might be how? This is how, one thought at a time. Habits that have existed for decades that have gone deeply unconscious need to be cared for by raising your awareness, (by increasing your sensitivity to this habit), recognize the breech when it happens and replace the thought on the spot. This will take some time, don’t expect overnight results, but DO expect results.

As you raise your awareness and practice, the next part is a two-step process. Watch your mind to catch all your self-imposed judgments and the judgments of others. Pay attention to this habit because it adds to your habit of comparison. Say to yourself when you see yourself judging: “It’s not good, it’s not bad, it just IS.” Part two begin to regularly affirm yourself and remind yourself of the highest Truth. What is that truth?

 You were born perfect, whole and complete, you deserve the full measure of your Divine Birthright. You are the evidence of love Itself. You deserve to experience Life in its fullness, wholeness, and aliveness. Joy, health, and wholeness should be the reward for simply being alive. You deserve to be loved the way that Spirit loves you – totally.

So, let go of your comparisons and embrace the YOU that YOU were meant to be.


Learning from Nature


The Gift of Invisibility