Right where you are

Right there where you are is the evidence of beauty, of strength, of love. With each breath you take, you confirm your relationship with the Divine. This relationship animates your every moment of every day. Every ounce of blood flowing within your body carries oxygen to each organ, making your body rich and healthy. Every thought you think carries powerful messages that lift and transform not only your life, but the whole of the planet.

You are so much more than you have imagined yourself to be. Your presence is a gift. You are a gift. You are a single point of consciousness; clear, bold, bright, and filled with love.

May you embrace this reality, live into it, and create from it.

May you know yourself as the gift you are.

May you believe in the beauty that animates you.

May you embrace God as your one and only Source and Power.

May you accept yourself as you are and as you are not.

And, may you know that you are the place where love resides – right where you!

Blessings to you, this Holy Season.




Love, find me.