Love, find me.

Contemplating love and where it resides is worth all your time and attention. Whether you are contemplating self-love, maternal/paternal love, romantic love, or agape, simply contemplating love moves your heart into alignment to heal, shift, and receive that ever-flowing vibration.

There’s a saying, “There is no place where God is not.” Well love is the same, the exact same, there is no place where Love is not. Love can be stunted because of our human ego and demands, but it continues to remain there in the shadows waiting for its opportunity. Like the genie in the bottle, Love wants nothing more than to serve and create through you the life of your desires. So await it does, residing just under that surface, waiting. Love’s power, like God’s power, cannot be diminished.

Many fear the full impact of total love, questioning their ability to embrace it and whether they can allow it to consume them in the way that the mystics speak of being consumed by the flames of love. It can feel terrifying. To allow Love to have its way calls for potent, powerful faith. But when we allow love to have its way with us, we must let go, we must surrender. It’s the letting go that so many struggle with, especially in this western world of ours and in our New Thought teaching. In New Thought we speak of clarity, making decisions, and self-empowerment, confusing these practices with the more fluid practices of allowing love to have its way.

Love has never left you, never forsaken you. Turn from your fear and declare, thy will be done, and right there in that moment you shall be lifted. Turn from your habits of judgment and faultfinding. Instead, turn to acceptance and love will guide you. Turn from your doubts toward love as your inspiration and the ground will move under your feet.

Being a teacher of forgiveness, I have witnessed how love is often hiding just under the surface beseeching us to forgive so we open ourselves to the flow of love that is a partner to forgiveness. It might not be easy to let go of your judgements, opinions, and righteousness. You might think that it keeps you safe, but, in the end, the sweetness of forgiveness and allowing Love to reign will be that which plumets you into a pool of unquestionably fiery love. The love that heals, reveals, and inspires lives in your breath, the beating of your heart, and in the cells of your body and it wants nothing more than to express Itself through you.

Be available to It, call to It, claim It, allow It. You are worthy of It’s full expression.

I AM, the place where love resides



Right where you are


Behind the Holy Season Messages