
No matter what the news says, no matter what the experts report, there is always, always a reason to believe that all is well. You carry the universe inside you. So, as you learn to go deep, to believe in your potency as a creator of good, the world benefits from your view.

We, as a society, must stop giving our power away to those who oversee the airwaves and social media.  Just like I instruct my students to remove their glasses when they are meditating as to symbolically go to their inner site, we must keep our eyes open to be informed, but not long enough to give our power away.

Your experience of the world is affected by your attention. This sounds oversimplified but it is like driving a car. You drive in the direction you are looking. If we could get the world to agree to look for good, to look for healing, to look for fairness, equity, diversity, and love, not only would it be found but we would generate more of what we seek.

Let’s try an experiment together. Let us agree for a period of thirty days to look for good, look to be compassionate, look for blessings, expect healing, expect flow, expect evidence of joy and grace. And, if you run into something that does not fit into this category, turn directly into it, look it in the eye and say: thank you, but no. If you are tempted to worry, instead say, no thank you, my faith is strong. If you feel unwell, while caring for yourself – of course – say: no, thank you, I know I am well. If someone begins to fuss with you, to yourself say, no, thank you, I know how to take nothing personally.

For every worldly, earthbound thing that shows up, that can distract you from your wholeness, turn away from it, give it none of your powerful attention. Turn to possibility. Turn to activate your ‘seeing’ and your faith.

Your power is not sourced from the realm of the physical. Your power is sourced from Cause, that which is unchangeable and untouchable.  Your power begins in your seeing, supported by your intention, grown by the Law that creates all and is refined by who you are, because it is who you are that Spirit moves through into effect. Want a different result, shift your thinking and support it with your beingness.

Create love by being the presence of love. Create joy buy seeing joy all around you. Create peace by dipping into your deep well of calm that dwells within. Create love by letting go of all judgment and attachment. Create in beautiful collaboration with the One.

Be well beautiful creator.


No one can give you, YOU.


Right where you are