No one can give you, YOU.

You were born with a power, a pure unadulterated power. It is not power over anyone; it is the power to create the life of your desires.

Sometimes this power is interrupted in some not so obvious ways. Let’s take a look at them and see where your power might be leaking out.

Power leaks:

When you seek someone’s approval. Whether you get it or not is not the point. Seeking approval is a hint that you are feeling empty and not enough. Here’s the thing though, no one, absolutely no one, can fill you. No one can make you more or make you enough. Every attempt you make to find fullness from another is futile.

Subtlety demanding love and friendship from someone who doesn’t even love themselves is a way of victimizing yourself. Just as you cannot give from an empty well, you cannot take from an empty well. Any attempts to get love when it is not flowing, again, is futile.

Seeking to be accepted into a group of any size, when it does not happen easily, is a sign that you are once again measuring yourself as not enough. Acceptance into a group that you consider meaningful will never raise you up. Your self-acceptance is your Power.

Stop looking, wanting, and demanding love, attention, acceptance, and approval from anyone, from anywhere. YOU are enough, even when it doesn’t feel that way. You are the evidence of love because love birthed you. You are your own best audience, no one can see who you really are. You need no one to approve of you or accept you. When you cease seeking outside of you, when you cease measuring yourself against another, when you stop comparing yourself and turn within, you will find a vast source of beauty, good, and power.

This change comes in three parts. The first is to remember that you are worthy of your own self-love and that love is vast. Second, you must decide whether you believe that the above statements are true or not. The third is to invest the time and energy of focus and mindfulness to redirect your attention. It will take some practice. It always comes back to discipline of the mind, of your thinking and behaving habits, but with dedicated focus and the desire to love the creation that you are. It requires that you stop looking outside and stay focused within. I know these things because my path has been laden with needing outside approval. It’s been a long and yet valuable road. Painful in the beginning, but now I’m free and grateful.

It might seem lonely at first, but once you find yourself, you will realize that you can never be alone. You will always have the beauty of the One to empower you. Your inner landscape is stunning. It is a place of beauty and grace. You are the only one to give this gift to yourself.


Intention Direction!

