Intention Direction!

Statistically, New Year resolutions don’t last as long as the month they were made in. A sad but true fact.

But, with mindful focus and the power of decision – our god given birthright, you can set an intention that will continue to lift and inspire you as you build your relationship to that intention.

If you were to fly to a new state and rent a car to go to visit a friend, but someplace you have never been before, the first thing you would do is to get the address of your friend (INTENTION). Once in the car, you would likely add the address in the GPS system in the car and begin your journey. As the GPS is barking directions, you will be looking around to make sure that what is being said and what you are seeing are the same. (MINDFULNESS) Now, even though the computer is telling you where to go, it still requires you to make a conscious decision to follow it. (CHOOSING YET) Face it, there are those of you who argue with GPS. Staying focused and mindful and choosing to follow the directions will eventually get you to your friend’s house.

Step one – set your intention. For me, this year my intention is to experience greater joy and personal success through my passions, and so, I will support that intention with all that I do, read, and with my actions.

Step two – be on the lookout for distractions, mind sucking habits like Facebook and other social media or television watching, and make good decisions about the time you LOSE to things like this, and then choose differently. Choose to feed your focus.

Step three – track your progress. This can come in many forms; journaling is a great way to do this. As you track your progress, regularly recommit to your original intention throughout the year.

Some additional but simple things you can do to support your intention are:

Identify an accountability partner. Someone who believes in you and someone you believe in. Meet weekly, no less. Consider visioning on a regular basis. When it comes to visioning it is all about consistency.

Monitor your reading material, podcast listening, and what you view on YouTube or Ted talks. If you do your research well enough, you will find many things that will fire you up – but don’t get lost in others, use any outside inspiration to fuel your flames.

As time goes on and you see yourself succeeding as you immerse yourself in your intention, practice gratitude for yourself, your focus, and your support.



Living Out Loud


No one can give you, YOU.