Living Out Loud

What if there was no filter on your inspiration? What would happen if you made room to download your genius? What if logic never again interrupted your creativity? What if you lived a YES life?

There is nothing more exhilarating than inspiration that is free to flow and gather its own momentum. When inspiration is invited in all of who you are in stimulated and woken up. Life, beauty, art, and creativity was never meant to happen in a vacuum or on a schedule. Creativity knows nothing about schedules. Spontaneity is critical when talking about creativity. Living out loud is about removing the filters and the conditioned restrictions, doubt, and fears and, instead, living from your yes.

Before you begin to question yourself and entertain any limiting ideas, think again. The past three years are evidence that you know how to pivot, to adjust, to make up new ways of doing things, and surviving limitations that sparked a whole new type of creativity both in the individual and collectively. You are more creative than you have given yourself credit for.

Living out loud is the next step. Living out loud is about choice, making the choice to live out loud consciously. Living out loud is to decide to free yourself into the energetic flow of life, to try knew things, to let go of old limiting habits and relationships. Living out loud is to foster Spirit as you.

I am never as alive as when I free myself creatively. I do admit that once I allow the flood gates to open it can be like drinking from a firehose, yet this experience for me is better then boredom, rigidity, and self-doubt. I prefer living from my yes. My yes, excites and motivates me in so many ways and my yes reminds me that I am ageless, because creativity is an ageless and infinite flow.

In the next couple of weeks I will be launching a new weekly podcast with my good friend and creative partner, Rev. Alan Vukas. Together we will bring to you, and the world, a conversation around Living Out Loud. Tune in on Wednesdays at noon. Details to follow.


Inner Landscape


Intention Direction!