Inner Landscape

Let’s talk about creation as it relates to you as creator. This past Sunday, my talk title was “God needs you to create!” My audience was not shocked by the title or the concept, but I know for sure, in certain circles, this idea would be heretical.

Since my audience is metaphysical and spiritual, I believe you can join me in this idea that your inner landscape influences your life. Directly!

This is one of the most beautiful tenets that metaphysicians lean into, yet one of the easiest to overlook in times of stress, ill health, or struggle if you are not completely immersed in and disciplined in your spiritual practices. It takes years of cultivating the faith and discipline to look within before looking out. It takes serious commitment to resist the worldly temptation to find solution outside of yourself.

To have the discipline to look within before looking outside for a solution or a cure is not for beginners. The work of trusting your own intuition, you inner guidance and intelligence, and in cultivating an inner landscape that you would like to live with takes a level of mastery.

How do you get to this level of mastery? The path is paved with the very same qualities required for becoming a successful entrepreneur. Qualities such as discipline, consistency, focus, clarity of purpose, grit to endure failures, and an unstoppable desire to be free from the human condition.

None of these qualities sound particularly spiritual but let’s look again. Let’s look at discipline as dedication, this sounds softer, although in the end it is the same. Think of consistency as the adage to pray ceaselessly, that you understand I am sure. To be focused is to allow for yourself to have a single-minded attitude like practicing mindfulness. Clarity of purpose is incredibly important because without knowing why you are working toward this you could possibly lose momentum. Being clear and focused are critical in this process. To have grit means that you have what it takes to endure the learning curve, the self-examination, and the willingness to forgive yourself for your shortcomings that are temporary, but are part of the process. The last is to have an unstoppable desire for freedom from the planetary hypnosis that would keep you playing small.

To learn to love yourself unconditionally, to practice forgiveness consistently, to pray passionately, to create an inner landscape that you feel safe in and proud of is very worthy work. Your cultivation of this inner landscape will show up in your outer world as a beautiful reflection and you can breathe and trust your process for you know you created this in direct relationship with the One.

Go inside first beloved, all your resources are right there.


It is NOT About You!


Living Out Loud