It is NOT About You!

Most of my blogs are in support of you, your healing mentally, emotionally, and physically, but I want to be clear, although it begins with you, it is not in truth about you or at least not about you alone.

Every time any one of us heals and becomes stronger, healed is how you invite others to do the same. Any time you forgive, you free yourself and others are invited to find their own healing.

Every time you become healthy, you model that for others. On and on and on. It starts with you, it begins in your inner landscape, but it is never just about you because you and I are one with the All That Is. Never separate, can’t be, there is only One with an infinite number of facets and reflections.

When you heal you impact the planet powerfully. When you are open to the revelation of Spirit you impact the whole. You can not transcend fear, doubt, and uncertainty without showing up differently and that gives permission for others to do the same.

I cannot help myself, I was born to share, born to teach, born to give a hand to my spiritual brothers and sisters of all forms. If I was not driven, I would not blog, or teach, or reach out. My drive is to serve. My drive is to share. My drive is to invite as many people as I can to experience heaven on earth as possible. And this flow through me enlivens my being. This is possible for all.

And you, you as your beautiful self, when you mindfully take on your life, heal from past trauma, and reveal God as you, you become a magnet attracting others to your wholeness and light and become a model for what’s possible.

Self-care and self-love might start with you, but it does not end with you, it doesn't end. Love flows like an endless river visiting the banks of many, depositing seeds of hope and possibility that others may harvest when they are ready. Even your prosperity, to be fully enjoyed, must flow through your generosity. When it flows the reward is grand and it will return to you as the fruit of your conscious choices and generosity.

Let’s some this up. Take care of yourself. Love yourself. Forgive yourself and all others. Do it first for you, do it now for you, but be clear, everyone around you benefits. Your love will emanate from you in many powerful directions and the collective is lifted. Love does that. So, as it begins with you, remember there is no private good. Massive love to you and you change the world.


White Like Me


Inner Landscape