Nothing Between My God and Me
When blogging or writing my books, I often avoid using the word “God” because, for many, it can be quite triggering. It brings to mind images of a man-like god in the sky, a punishing god, or an unfair god. I remember, as a young girl, hearing a sermon where a minister condemned soldiers who had gone AWOL (Away Without Leave). I thought to myself, “I have no need for a god that is not entirely forgiving.” This resonated deeply because my brother, Carl D. Wadleigh, was missing in action and wrongfully labeled AWOL. In reality, he had already passed away, but it would be almost thirty years before we knew the truth.
That experience caused me to reject the concept of a god for a specific reason. An unforgiving god directly contradicted another belief I had developed: that my God lived within me and all around me. This inner conflict stayed with me for quite some time.
As a teacher and speaker, I often use alternative words to describe this divine essence—terms like Spirit, Energy, Love, Intelligence, and so on. A significant portion of the world does not have a relationship with what some call God. But for me, my concept, my image, and my relationship with the Divine are deep, profound, and beautiful.
I don't always express these thoughts openly, but occasionally, I feel called to speak from my heart. This is one of those moments. I choose to live a life where nothing stands between me and my God—absolutely nothing.
You may not realize it, but that kind of declaration can begin to unravel all limiting beliefs that get in the way. Saying “nothing stands between me and my God” prompts me to confront my fears, doubts, and confusion about who I believe I am. All the work I do—whether it’s shadow work or forgiveness—is about clearing the inner path that can block my spiritual connection. You and I are vessels through which God expresses, and it’s our job to clear that vessel to allow the free flow of love, inspiration, healing, and joy, which is our natural state.
When I live mindfully, fully conscious of my divine birthright, I walk with God, move in God, act from the intelligence of God, and remember that God is breathing me—not the other way around.
I realize that this perspective may be contrary to what many believe in today’s world, but as I surrender to the One, I am guided with ease to what’s next. Faith becomes my response to life’s challenges. Conviction empowers both my spoken and unspoken words, and I walk in God.
This path may not be for everyone, but I encourage you to find what works for you. Become so comfortable with it that you never feel threatened or compelled to defend your beliefs. Live in the experience that reflects your heart and mind—this journey is about you, and no one else. May you name your essence and keep falling madly in love with it.