I love you/me

There are good reasons to practice radical self-love. One of those top reasons is: you are all you have. If you are not your greatest cheerleader, you are not doing your job. It is our job to love ourselves. In the end, our love is all we have. You arrived through a vessel that loved you, greeted by a family that took care of you, and developed relationships in school, community, at work, and in your spiritual community, but you are the constant.

You have been carrying yourself through this lifetime and often have denied your gifts. But what if we stopped that ridiculous rhetoric and replaced it with self-talk that lifts us, self-affirmation that reminds us of our worthiness, self-care that honors us, and self-love that feeds our soul?

What if we spoke to ourselves in this manner? (Print this out, go to a mirror and read it to yourself.)

“I LOVE ME. I love YOU. I do. I love you with all my heart and soul. I have loved you from the moment you were created. I love every aspect of your being. I believe in you completely. The I that was created with you sees you and recognizes the perfection and beauty of you.

I love you as you are and as you are not. I love your perfection and your flaws – all of them. I categorically refuse to not love every ounce of your being. You are a child of the beloved and worthy of deep, unending, and fervent love.

I need you to hear me: You are not what happened to you, you are not your stories, pain, or memories. You are the essence of beauty and Life Itself. Glorious. Stunning. Perfect. I love you, place your first name here, because you are Love Itself.

And so it is.”

While looking in the mirror, say this aloud for at least 30 days. DON’T hesitate because you do not believe it, you are creating your reality, not reporting on what is.


Embracing Joy


The Sun is ALWAYS shining!