Embracing Joy

Close your eyes.

Go inside.


Listen long enough that all else fades.

Listen to know thyself.

Hear the whispering that calls to you.

Whisper your message of acceptance.

Bask in the glow of Presence.

Claim the joy that is your Divine birthright.

Practice this daily. Keep the work simple and come from your heart. Let your heart guide you to Presence.

A certain amount of healing work is required; yes, this is true. When you find yourself distracted, you are called to see those distractions as building blocks instead of barriers. With each obstacle that is healed, you step up into the reality of Presence as you. When you bless what looks like roadblocks, those blocks are transmuted to become your wisdom. Your conscious choice governs your reality. When you choose love, your anger and judgment become your freedom. When you live into the YES of your life, joy finds you around every corner.

Be fearless in your quest. Step forward with great abandon. Allow for Joy to spark your curiosity for all of life as you live in the question instead of your already knowing. Open your inner eye and listen for your inner knowing; that is where joy resides. It awaits your attention.

Embrace your joy, it is your imperative!


Ego & Forgiveness


I love you/me