Hello Judge

The voice behind the voice can be one dastardly voice, surly in all its iterations. But does this mean that this voice is bad? Does that inner voice, inner judge, live in us only for the purpose of tearing down our confidence and self-esteem?

What if you altered the way in which you pondered your inner judge? What if instead of trying to silence that voice, you incorporated it into your wholeness and developed a loving and powerful relationship with it? What if that inner judge could become a key component of your personal transformation?

Although judging oneself, as judging another, can be harmful in many ways, with some slight alterations to your view, this could be a whole new experience. The difference is in your attitude, your attention, and your intention. To begin, if we label the judge as negative, that in and of itself begins our experience to want to ward it off. Imagine this, turn to that judge, listen intently, say oh, hello judge, there you are, and ask, what it is that you want me to know?

If you, reader, believe that there is only ONE, and you believe that we are one with all that is, or you believe that we are that One, then how can we believe that anything is against us? What if your inner judge is here to reveal your brilliance that you have not embraced?

What if every time this inner voice, your judge, called for your attention, instead of turning what is voiced against yourself, you turned toward it and said, thank you? Thank you for reminding me of where I have criticized myself. Thank you for calling my attention to places within where I have not integrated aspects of myself into my wholeness. This would change your relationship to your inner judge rather quickly. You could even go so far as to name it. Naming it will allow you to be intimate with this voice in a beautiful and empowering way.

Your inner judge is here to call you to yourself. Start today, love on all aspects of yourself and you will cease needing to find fault and, instead, you will learn to love your whole being as you are.


Perception is Everything


The Voice Behind the Voice