Perception is Everything

We are meaning making beings. Our life experience is the direct effect of what we make something mean. As we resist our reality we create a level of stress. Resistance is futile. Resisting what is, is like choosing not to breathe. It is hopeless. You must breathe. Resisting life, its changes and its challenges, is futile. 

But take a moment to stop, observe, and look at what is going on around you, and you will be gifted an opportunity to gain experience, manage your life, and navigate the tough parts. You can no more stop change than you can stop a dam from breaking by putting your finger in the hole.

You have a choice: look at your life as life is hard, challenging, and impossible to manage, or look at what is happening all around you with a sense of wonder and curiosity. Your life reflects what perspective you are seeing it with. Your life will show up in direct proportion to your labels. See your life as beautiful, miraculous, exciting, a total adventure and what happens around you will conform to your perception.

Resist change, condemn the world, judge all others, and make a habit of finding fault and most certainly your life will be toxic and tainted with those perceptions.

Your perception is how you create your world – period. You create from who you are being, from your observation, from your labels. You cannot - do not - live outside of your perception.

Here are four simple steps to begin to shift your perception:
(Some will be the same as earlier blogs, but practice changes our reality.)

1.     Try to name the source of your opinion. And then ask yourself: Do I actually agree, or have I been on automatic?

2.    Practice gratitude, for everything and everyone in your life.

3.    Ask yourself this question: If I accepted my reality without judgment what would become possible?

4.    What would happen if I declared my world as good, as great, as perfect as it is? How would my experience change?

Don’t expect fast overnight changes. Ask the questions, stay alert to your automatic way of being and watch what happens.



Rethinking Procrastination


Hello Judge