The Voice Behind the Voice

The layers of influences that create our lives is deep, subtle, and enormous. Within your own mind, you have your self-talk that you are aware of, but what you might not be totally aware of is the voice behind the voice that exists right there where you are.

This voice is generated from many places within our minds. Maybe you have labeled it your inner voice, your intuition, your guide, or one of your many guides. No matter the name, these voices exist. Because of them we move toward or away from many different things.

The individual who learns to identify this voice and tune into it is an individual of great personal power, independence, and far-reaching freedom. To he/she/they that can hear that voice and learn to listen to it with great discretion comes a life of self-empowerment. That voice is influenced by the global voice, the collective that is filled with fear, self-doubt, worry, and separatism. To free yourself of these elements is possible but it does require practice. Therefore, I say to my students – question everything – always!

Before we continue, let us create a distinction here between that conditioned inner voice of doom and the voice of Spirit. You see, both exist. To hear the intuitive voice of Spirit that will inspire you to your greatness, first you must learn to identify the doubt, fear and gloom, deny its power and listen even more closely to the more loving and affirmative voice. Take these steps and you will soon learn the difference between the two and will know how to tune into the one that you want to hear.

Steps to hearing, identifying, and moving away from the influence of this inner voice:

1.     Listen intently without judgement. Don’t judge that voice, just acknowledge it.

2.    Question everything you hear. Learn to discriminate and not just accept.

3.    Track what you hear in a journal, you will learn many lessons about who you are by becoming familiar with this voice. This is a steppingstone to your freedom.

4.    Ask yourself some simple questions like: What do I need to learn from this voice? What have I avoided that keeps this voice alive in me? How can I grow by listening, but questioning my inner voice.

Take on this practice for 21 – 40 days straight, you will be amazed at what you will learn about yourself and about the influences that have been sneaking in and sabotaging you. As you raise your awareness the voice that has been in the way will begin to lose its hold on you and you can then learn how to make room for the voice of intuition, inspiration, creativity, and glorious and abundant ideas of love.
Grow through expanding your awareness and your consciousness.



Hello Judge


Heal the Word ‘GOD’!