Why Science of Mind

The thing I love most about the Science of Mind is that once you understand the Science of Mind you can use it, continue to increase your understanding of it, and take it deeper into application, as it forever expands through your expression. What matters to me most for any teaching that I choose to study and adopt is that it remains open so that I can apply it to my liking.

The Science of Mind teaches us how to think, how to use our mind, how to apply the intelligence of our mind as we seek to improve our own human development. You have within you a vast resource of understanding, intelligence, and wisdom that could go unused and unapplied to your life without a road map. But as we apply the tenets of Science and Mind we unearth this deep well of understanding that lives within us.

When you study a particular philosopher and seek to apply their philosophy in life you could potentially be limited to their offerings. But when we are taught how to think, we can study philosophical teachings blend them with the Science of Mind and have an expansive living experience. The Science of Mind plus anything else makes the anything else even better. Let me explain how this works. Take the quote in the photo by the Buddha, “Suffering is not holding you; you are holding suffering.” This sounds wonderful and so wise but where do you go from there?

This would be my guidance for one contemplating a truth such as this. Sit with the quote, silently, pondering it and allowing its wisdom to bloom within you. If any part of what is said feels complicated or difficult, take your feeling reaction into treatment (Affirmative Prayer) and declare that you are willing to have a deeper understanding of suffering. In addition, you can also use treatment and meditation to identify what you believe about suffering, learn from your own inner wisdom, and then make decisions to shift your belief system.

For example, in my family I have identified a belief in suffering. How did I do that? By witnessing how each of my close family members passed from this plane of existence. In paying close attention to the effect, I have been stating aloud for years, my conscious chosen belief, which is, I am going to live my life full out and when my internal battery is done, so am I. No drama, no lingering, no suffering.

Now, you might be wondering to yourself, how the heck is she going to pull that off? I don’t really know for certain but there is no option if I remain unconscious. The Science of Mind has taught me that I am able to live my life by design and not by default and that is your option also. We are not at the mercy of our conditions or conditioning as long as we WAKE UP. This is why I love the Science of Mind; I feel capable of redirecting my reality and I believe this for you also.

Science of Mind is the most empowering teaching I know of and while I might dabble elsewhere, it is my grounding philosophy.


Thank God for Pain


My Shero