There is no outside

There is no outside, there is no other. Truer words have never been spoken. But what does this mean exactly? To one listening ear, these are words of power and liberation. To another ear, these words will wreak havoc in someone’s heart and mind and become a source of pain.

To say there is no other is to choose to take absolute and total responsibility for one’s life, to cease blaming, judging, or finding fault. This can be quite the challenge when life is presenting you with opportunities to be upset or angry. Humans have a habit that we use to cope with our life situations, and it is about deflecting our personal responsibility, but the truth is no deflection. No attempt to blame will ever help you to arrive at the place in your life where you are creating in a powerful way.

The more we allow ourselves to believe that others cause us pain, that life outside us is responsible for the conditions of our life, the more we back ourselves into a very small helpless corner. The more we look outside to find our reasons for why life isn’t working, the more we deplete our personal power and we are left captive and powerless.

Our reality, our power, our ability to create, is all sourced from within! It is sourced from that inner landscape of our being, that same place where God resides within you. If you can wrap your mind around this concept, you will never, ever, be at the mercy of anything. Saying this does not mean that life stops being life. We will still stub a toe, have arguments with our beloved, and might find ourselves with a health challenge that we didn’t see coming, but you will never again feel like a victim to this reality.

Life is filled with a series of equations of cause and effect. Everything that is form is an effect, anything that can be measured is an effect. Cause is that which is sensed, sourced, contemplated, and set in motion by means of our consciousness, spiritual practices, conscious prayer, and by our unconscious emotional influences. Cause and effect can be a complicated series because there are times when the effect becomes the cause in a new series or equation.

But if you seek true liberation, spiritual and otherwise, begin to affirm: “there is no outside, there is no other. All power that exists sources Itself to me and lives at the center of my being. I create my life thought by thought, action by action, decision by decision. I use this power of creation responsibly, lovingly, pointedly, and powerfully. This is evidenced by the trail of love, acceptance, compassion, and generosity that results from taking responsibility for the very texture of my life.”

Go and be powerful beyond your wildest imagination by remembering there is no outside.
Happy Thanksgiving your Divine Being you.


Behind the Holy Season Messages


Contemplate Splendor