Contemplate Splendor

The word splendor describes an experience, I know, but I never associated it with the word splendor. Splendor, for me, is like AWE. I love the idea of wonder and the feeling tone it generates in my body temple. If you search for splendor in a thesaurus dictionary, you'll find many wonderful words, each evoking wonder, each causing you to raise your attention upwards.

Meaning of splendor: magnificent and splendid appearance; grandeur.

Moving from just doing and being well to experiencing a sense of splendor requires us to refocus our attention.  Some mystics would encourage you to look up, to look above the world of effect, and other times to close your eyes to the world of form and go inward into the vast inner space that connects to all that is. Either act will cause you to shift your attention and move the needle of your experience from ordinary to extraordinary.

Splendor is a sense of the extraordinary. The extraordinary is not about effort, it is not measured by size, it is about the details. Take anything too small to see with the naked eye, place it under a powerful microscope and you will experience awe in the details. Just Slow down and you can walk in the splendor of life. To know splendor is to live in the extraordinary experience of Presence and this can happen almost anywhere if you stop judging and accept life around you exactly as it is.

Splendor is a luxury bestowed upon self-aware beings. It is the result of falling madly in love with life, your own essence and moving through the world mindfully. As you contemplate splendor, your attention will move to the place within you where God resides, where beauty resides, where love resides. Contemplate it long enough and you will start to feel downright passionate. When we invest our time and attention in contemplating splendor, wonder, and Presence, the mystical comes alive through us.

The mystics had ecstatic experiences filled with splendor because they raised their sight upward. Look beyond and above the appearances around you. Look with an open heart. Seek splendor in the details of life and all else with pale by comparison.


There is no outside


Learning from Nature