Stop Complaining about your creation!

Stop complaining about the next generations! Why? Because WE created them. How? We created them because we were so busy not wanting to be our parents and wanting our offspring to not be US that we – through our words, deeds, and child-rearing creating them. We wanted more for them. We wanted them not to be us, not to be our parents.

Now I hear the whispers of complains and criticisms that this age is too cocky, too confident, too entitled. Well, you can’t have it both ways. Either you enjoy the creation of our collective creation or be miserable.

These coming ages are confident, bold, and not guilty of playing small or of acquiescing their personal authority just because we say so. They are the beautiful result of every parent encouraging their children to believe in themselves, to trust their own intuition, to reach for the stars.

According to Chat GBT, generation Z (Zoomers) are born between 1997 and 2012 and are digital natives and tech-dependent, they experience economic uncertainty and increased awareness of social issues. They embrace diversity, social activism, and they have an entrepreneurial spirit.  Well hello. You helped to create these beautiful creations of positive individuals.

Prior to Zoomers are the Millennials, or Gen Y generation (1981 – 1996) who seek work-life balance. Something the baby boomers know so little about. All of the generations following baby-boomers are embracing, naturally, diversity and inclusion so they are cleaning up so much of the mess that our generation created. How about we thank them instead of criticizing them.

Generation X (1965 – 1980) who are known to be independent and adaptable, who have seen economic shifts, globalization, technological advancements, but embracing self-reliance, work-life balance, and diversity. Oh my, an entire generation that does not want to sell out to commercialism. Self-reliance – how beautiful that is!

To get to the point, is the amount of criticism and judgment that populates blogs, articles, podcasts, and conversations about how entitled this age group is? I don’t see it like that. I see that they are unwilling to subjugate themselves to the self-doubt and limited thinking that many of us baby-boomers adopted from our parents and grandparents. The time for being silent and holding back is over, the Zoomers demand more of us without excuses. Our criticism of them is our shadow and it is not about them.

Let’s learn to love and embrace what’s coming. Let’s grow to being emotionally mature enough to value and praise what is coming. They are us!


Self Care


Are you a Complainer?