Spiritual Warrior

There are many opinions about forgiveness - or should I say criticism about forgiveness. Some think of it as a pass, weak, and a way to deny what is happening in the world. This would make those who believe in forgiveness - both the religious and the spiritual community- weak and unimpactful on the world stage.

I am here to clear this up. It is not about the other. It never was.

Stop thinking of forgiveness as some weak effort to avoid the truth. When we forgive, we cancel/severe that poison, leaving the forgiver clear and powerful. When we forgive, we have more access to the power of co-creation because we purge our pain and suffering, which gives us access to our inner strength. When we clear the way, we are capable of seeing reality more clearly and objectively.

Applied forgiveness, even to the most unbecoming of humans, opens the passageway to your freedom. Anger, resentment, and righteousness - sustained - create poison in our bodies; through forgiveness, we have greater access to our strength.

Forgiveness helps us detach from pain and suffering, yes, but it also strengthens our resolve. We can access powerful reserves within to see the world as it is and not as we ‘think’ it is.

Our pain and stories contaminate our thinking; to forgive is to make anew. This is the value of shadow work and forgiveness work. Don't let anyone call you weak if you are dedicated to this high, holy, and sacred practice.

Being a spiritual warrior means having the courage to see the world as it truly is rather than how we might want it to be. To be powerful spiritual practitioners, we can not simultaneously practice spiritual bypass. To be powerful, we must see reality, feel all that is needed to feel, and then allow these emotions full passage through us as we learn from them.

True spiritual practitioners/warriors are willing to

  • feel the full scope of human emotions

  • face reality, the good and the ugly

  • forgive with the intent to clear out the toxic sludge

  • and to stand for what is right with a powerful stance



The Cost of Staying Alive


Happy Thanksgiving