Rethinking Estranged

If you are in a metaphysical, spiritual, New Thought community, you are likely to be an individual who wants to leave your mark on society in a powerful and positive way. To be that person of influence as you learn more ways to take responsibility for your life to have greater influence, there are some definite things to consider. None of these will surprise you and none are new to you if you are connected specifically to CSL North Jersey.

Last week I blogged about Rethinking Procrastination. The purpose of that blog was to encourage individuals to stop using the term procrastination as an excuse for not moving along in one’s life. This is a subtle way of not taking responsibility. Well, saying that you are estranged from a loved one, be it family or friend, is another way that we keep responsibility at bay.

As metaphysicians one of our greatest gifts to humanity, almost a secret power, is taking responsibility. Taking responsibility = personal power. Taking responsibility says, I am responsible for co-creating my life by availing myself to the intelligence and presence of the One. However, when we say things like: I procrastinate or I am estranged from, it is a way of not taking complete responsibility for your current life experience.

You might have had a falling out with someone, there might be unhealed hurt between you and another, but even with this, you do not have to be estranged. To be estranged is to place this relationship in a category in your mind as incomplete and this will weigh on you in ways you don’t know and can’t see. It is not necessary to want to be in someone’s company, sometimes self-care requires that you choose not to be in someone’s company primarily because they have toxic habits. Remember being spiritual does not make you a doormat.

But you, a spiritual being, can bring closure with that relationship and detach from any future outcome. Forgiveness will help you to accomplish this outcome, but it does not require that you continue to be in relationship with that individual. Closure helps your heart to heal and your mind to be at peace. If you can forgive and detach from any outcome, it will also enable the individual with whom you are struggling to eventually find their own peace.

What you don’t want is to dump struggling relationships into this category that allows you to NOT look deeply enough into the issue and then carry those feelings and that relationship as a scar on your heart.

Affirm: I choose to lovingly release _______________ from my heart and mind. I choose to forgive _______________ for their transgressions and forgive myself for making them wrong and holding on so long. I bless the energetic space between us and free us both to BE.


Getting Real


Rethinking Procrastination