Choices Choices
Your life is not the result of any single major choice that you made, it is not even the result of numerous major choices that you have made. Yes, they are part of the fabric of your life, of course, but they are not the majority of what has conditioned you. What has conditioned you are the hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of smaller seemingly insignificant choices that you make a on moment-to-moment basis.
We make choices like whether or not we want to pursue a higher education and if so, what higher education institute to attend and what major to choose. We make other major decisions in our lives like whether or not to get married, have children, to buy a home, or whether or not we choose to be a law abiding citizen or not. Yes, these are all major choices that we make, but they make up but a fraction of who we are and the result in our life.
Each of your days are the accumulation of your hundreds, maybe thousands, of choices. Not only choices to do or not do something, it is the choice to pay attention to something or not, whether we give our power over to something and/or someone or not, and what stories we make up about ourselves in all of that activity. Each choice is a cause in the cog of the machine called your life. We must learn to choose wisely.
So often when someone goes on a diet and they're doing well for a couple of weeks and suddenly have a bad day or bad moment and eat something that is not included on their diet they have a choice right in that moment whether or not to claim that they blew their diet and they're gonna stop trying or whether or not they say to themselves this was just one moment in time, I'm starting again now. In saying I'm starting again now you are making a choice to be resilient and powerful.
From the clothes you wear to the choice of friends, you are constantly forming and reforming yourself. It is critical that we stop waiting for our next major decision to find out how life is about to turn out. You create yourself from your moment-to-moment thoughts, words chosen, actions taken, and your judgment about whether or not you approve of yourself and these choices.
Look at the moment you are in, because all the power you have exists right were you are standing, acting, and choosing. And, never think that you are at the mercy of your emotional reactions, even those are the result of your conditioning, the conditioning that results from your focus and choices.
Choose wisely friends, we need each other to be the very best version of ourselves possible.