
I have been a metaphysician my whole life. I have been teaching metaphysics for decades. I know the importance and the power of the spoken and the unspoken word, and what I notice is this - as a society we have not yet come to understand the formula of manifesting and how it relates to the voice in our heads.

 There is a voice behind the voice inside your head and this voice needs to be paid attention to. Not only should you pay attention to your thoughts and reactions, but you also need to pay attention to that barely perceptible voice. That voice, albeit almost silent, is part of the co-creation of your world. This silent voice is made up of many things, it is made up of your conditioning, your belief system, your judgment of yourself and others.

 The Intelligence of all that is, which some call Spirit and others call God, is always present and always active. We are never outside of this activity. I tell you this with a great sense of absoluteness. Most people today have learned that we must speak in affirming ways to have our life move in the direction of our desires. But even the most learned of metaphysical students do not give enough credence to that silent and unspoken voice inside their heads. There is a bumper sticker that says: There is no place where God is not, a cliché maybe, but one based on Truth, as it is rooted in the world of metaphysics.

 Sometimes when you are seeking to demonstrate something new, you must consider that your inner voice and your outer voice must be in sync. In the moments that you are seeking to demonstrate something and it's not working, it is because there is a disconnect between your desires and your inner dialog and most definitely your feelings. To declare that a new venture is successful is a wonderful thing but your inner voice – inner whispering and your feelings must be synchronized with your desires. When they are not, your demonstration will be delayed or denied completely.

 That inner voice can be corrupted by a negative self-image that must be faced and healed. To transform those negative self-images, it requires self-inquiry, shadow, and forgiveness work. Yet, there are some steps to take even before this takes place. It is simple but tedious work. Beginning right now, listen to your inner voice. Pay close attention to all that you hear. Track the tendencies and patterns because they are a true guide to your belief system. Assert that your conscious mind is the gatekeeper to your subconscious and become an expert about your own thinking and speaking. Nip the limiting ideas in the bud immediately.

Create a statement (a response to be used when you recognize a contrary idea) and use it whenever you are triggered. It can be something like - this is not my truth / I am so much more than this thought / I am not at the mercy of this idea / this is not my reality – etc. Create something to use and use it each and every time. Become the expert on you and your thinking so that quiet whisper supports you and becomes affirming for you and not working against you. This can feel a bit tedious at first, but once you learn to know yourself in greater ways you will recognize where you power has been siphoned off and as these thinking habits are healed you will become more powerful in becoming the fully expressed person you were meant to be.

 Let us use the power of co-creation expertly. This is an important first step.




The Power of Spirituality