Someone Always Loses
Be prepared for both
Where competition exists, so exists winners and losers, it is built within the system. Maybe it is because I was never a great athlete, although I tried, that I am familiar with losing, although losing always came disappointment, tears and sometimes embarrassment because when you play sports, you do lose publicly.
NOTE: I hate to lose! Keeping it honest here.
For the twenty-three years that I stood in the pulpit, which was another opportunity to be witnessed - and oh and yes - judged. Maybe it is my years of being scrutinized and observed by critical onlookers that has grown my broad shoulders, that prepared me for this loss. (I’ll let you make whatever assumptions you want about the loss I am referring to.)
How arrogant it would be for us not to prepare for the possible loss?
Not to go all metaphysical on you but this loss, this particular loss, with how painful it is needed to be seen and felt. Now there is no illusion about the leanings of our fellow-citizens. For those of you who are politically involved, this was critical for you to see what was hiding in the shadows. For those activists without this loss, how would you know where to focus your attention.
I understand that many of you are feeling scared—rightfully so, as the future can seem daunting. However, rather than seeking to "win" superficially, it’s important to delve deeper and address the underlying issues. Together, we have clarity on the consciousness, values, and characteristics that drive the opposing side. Now you know where to direct your focus.
AND, while you politically motivated activists are readying yourself for the next round of competition - let us remember there is no other. Before you lead others out of the hypnosis that has been strategically designed, you first have to know them, understand them, and even care about them. If we do not try to understand the unmet needs that caused this outcome, we will be blind to our direction.
“They drew a line that shut me out,
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout!
But love and I had the wit to win
We drew a circle and brought them in.”
― Edwin Markham
Let us draw a circle. Let us - those who lost - be more mindful and surgical in not creating division so when the time comes for you and your side to win, it will be from the ground up, it will be inclusive, tender and loving. Other wise what are you fighting for. Let’s strengthen the weakest links in the chain of progress.