Respond with Love - 3

Okay I am on a roll, and I hope you are rolling with me.


To my Canadian readers, bear with me this one time please.

I am going to make some comments but without naming names, you can insert whatever name you think I am discussing here. And yes, this is still about Responding with Love.

I’m no fool, and neither are you. It is pretty clear that we have no real idea about all that goes on behind the scenes in our political climate, but I have question for you, something for you to consider. What would happen if we took all the talking points that all the different news sources used, put them in two columns and removed anything that both sides say about each other?

Have you noticed how some influencers and announcers often use the exact same points, words, and criticisms about the other. For example, they both accuse each other of being closed-minded and being unintelligent, dishonest and immoral, lazy, a threat to American values, each side accuses the other of controlling and being unduly influenced by the media and often the term cult is batted around – although this is used slightly more by democrats than republicans.

While we are so caught up in this manufactured rhetoric, we are not talking at all about the things that we, the American people, care about. Where are the true issues and not the distracting talking points. What can we do about it? How can we make a difference at this critical point in our history?

Here is what I am suggesting. To begin, remember that love is a powerful life transforming emotion. It is not a wishy-washy emotion. Let those who are conscious, and care, add Love to this political climate, let us be the ones to have an open mind and not alienate others because of their political leanings. Let’s pave the way by Responding with Love when political conversations come up. Let us energetically not create the ‘other side’ to be an enemy. Let us assume the role of Loving Leadership. Let us not get emotionally caught up in the story telling because, as we know, our emotions CREATE.

To be mindful of our intellectual pondering and our emotional reactions is a masterful way to create your desired outcome. This is essential because on November 4th, whoever wins, we have to live with the outcome and make it workable. We want to monitor any fears we might be entertaining and masterfully navigate through them because in the end we are all Americans.

Photo credit:  Element5 Digital


What’s in a label?


Respond with Love - 2