It might sound obvious being told to be you. Who else could you be? But the world has proven that individuals will go to any length to be a version of themselves.

Open any magazine and you will find ad upon ad inviting you to get body parts lifted, lowered, enhanced, slimmed down, or covered up. The world of cinema right now is populated with professionals being a version of themselves.

It is totally distracting to watch a great actress express her art as I wonder if those are her lips. When did being who we are become something to avoid? When did aging with all the flaws and wrinkles become an aversion?

And, this phenomenon is no longer saved for the silver screen (Does anyone say that anymore?). Treatments and procedures have become more affordable, and you can finance your new look. Imagine all the money exchanging hands all not to be you.

Howard Thurman said, "Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that because what the world needs is people who have come alive." I believe him. I think this to be true. I would instead be inspired and influenced by the quirkiness of an individual than be bored from their compliance 

We have spent too much time trying to be loved, accepted, and celebrated by people who often don't like or approve of us. Yet, we sacrifice that precious God-given individuality in compliance. You have a unique expression that needs to be freed. Think about this, your idiosyncrasies ARE your calling card. What if your high energy, slightly disorganized way of being was not something to fix but something to celebrate? What if you stopped trying to be an extrovert when you're not and just relish in your alone time? What if going to bed at 3 a.m. and waking at 10 a.m. is your normal routine? What will it take for you to look in the mirror and say, I LOVE YOU, without any hesitation?

Does the world need you? What the hell do I know? But, you need you. You need to be the you that you are right here, right now, with all your beautiful flaws. Be YOU because you are one beautiful, crazy, stunning, and unique you. 

Rev. Dr. Michelle Wadleigh
Founding Spiritual Director of CSL North Jersey
Co-Founder of Planned Happiness Institute
Director of PHI Coaching Academy,
Email: / 201.602.1678 /


Be a Mistake Maker


Hope is Fierce!