Beyond Reasonable

Without even thinking about it, we are using the Creative Process. What is the Creative Process? Here is a quick review. It is when we allow ourselves through our desires to form an idea of a particular outcome, then we stay out of the way except to being open to receiving the results of our desire as we remain open, faith-filled with a soft-energetic conviction that allows that desire to manifest.

Oh yes, some might want to give you a much more detailed explanation with all sorts of Quantum Theory and such but in the end, you are not thinking about the science when your dreams and desires kick in, you – at least hopefully - are focused only the outcome. We never want to get caught up in the how. The how is not our job. Our job is to stay in touch with how worthy and deserving we are to live life with ease and grace as we manifest our dreams.

But most individuals limit the law, yes, we limit the use of the law by trying to be reasonable, by trying to ascertain whether we deserve the full measure of our desires. These barely perceptible questions roll around in our minds like silent killers of your dreams.

It is time to dream through your imagination in totally unreasonable terms. Truly. Stop allowing these thinking/feeling habits to inhibit and often kill off the dreams that excite you. Be unreasonable as you think about, dream about, and imagine your desired outcome.

If your dream is to become the next great psychic, stop wishing and start seeing yourself having a month-long waiting list for new clients. If your desire is to not die with your music in you, stop worrying about details and see yourself on the stage of your favorite theater. If you want to open a non-profit home for abused children get in touch with the motivating passion of your why and dream it into being. If you want to be the next great lacrosse coach, bringing your team to a national championship, stay plugged into your heart’s desire. BE UNREASONABLE as you use the creative art of imagination.

No promises here. You might need to learn a new skill, ask for help, invest in some kind of training. Yes, you might stub your toe a few times. Yes, you will have to reinvigorate your dream by placing attention on your intention. But stay with it. If your desired outcome is worthy of your time and attention, then it shall be so, it shall manifest.

Stay daydreaming about the outcome. Keep track of your successes. The energies that create will do so as willingly through you as anyone else, as long as cultivate the sweet spot of believing in yourself, holding onto your dream but relaxing in the effort. You are as worthy as your (s)hero!

I can’t for the life of me think of a reason why you should not have your dreams. Go beyond reason and see the beautiful end result so alive that it activates inside of you everything you require. Start now. Start today. Begin with your imagination and feed it with your heart’s desires. 


Don’t turn your back on Source!


Ahh Family