You have the power
to live a happy life.
It just takes a little planning.
Learn the tools to empower you to live the life you deserve.
Welcome to the Planned Happiness Institute, where we specialize in emotional intelligence and forgiveness. As a 501(c)3 Educational Non-Profit, we offer both free and fee-based programs designed to cultivate happiness and resilience. Choose love, forgiveness, and happiness amidst a world of chaos and pain. Join us for in-person or virtual experiences, tailored for groups and individuals alike. Contact us today to embark on a journey toward a healthier mind and a happier life. Your support enables us to continue our mission of fostering emotional well-being for all.
About PHI
Monthly Oasis Gathering
A monthly safe and loving listening room. Come for authentic, undefended sharing, prayer, and meditation.
Held on Zoom on the second Wednesday of the month.
A Journey into Forgiveness!
Forgiveness is a powerful tool for transformation. Forgiveness - The Course is a program that promises to guide its students through a loving, gentle, and compassionate process toward freedom. It also provides a highly logical approach to support the seeker in permanently purging the influences that reside in their subconscious and the cells of the body.
Forgiveness - The Course is the brainchild of Rev. Michelle Wadleigh, DD as it is born out of her personal journey. Sign up for our newsletters to stay informed about our scheduled virtual classes.
Forgiveness Workbook
Currently Out of Stock: New edition available November 2025
Forgiveness as a life practice sits at the heart of all beautiful healing transformations. This book, written by Rev. Michelle, is packed with practical, spiritual, and metaphysical reasoning and practices to support you where you are on your journey toward freedom.
What People Are Saying About Rev. Michelle and the Planned Happiness Institute:
“As a psychotherapist, I’ve learned that people’s problems don’t change, but the ways of healing them can. Never was this more apparent than when I worked with Rev. Michelle on some old, stubborn personal issues.
Rev. Michelle’s psycho-spiritual approach, both laser-focused and compassionate - not only served me well but gives me, a seasoned mental health professional, new and deeper inroads with which to help my clients.
I am forever grateful for her insight, depth of spiritual grounding, humor, humanness, and desire to see me and others live out our birthright: a life of health, happiness, and true wellbeing.
— Cathy Duca, LCSW and author of Unmasked”
“Here’s the thing about Rev. Michelle – she’s not fooling around. Michelle’s driving desire is for all to live our lives in love, joy and peace. She wants us to be in love with ourselves and to spread that love to and through our world.
I experienced No Mud No Lotus and Dancing With the Shadow with Michelle. I have transformed. My people feel safer around me – they share more from the heart. I feel safer around me! Gentler and more loving with myself. This teaching that Rev. Michelle has co-created with Spirit (God, the Divine) is direct, powerful, loving. It will transform you.”
— Rev. Jude Denning
“Thank you for being the best spiritual heart-centered teacher I've ever had... I love this path that I am on.”
–— Love you! Regina
“I experienced a monumental change in my inner life, in a way that gives me more peace & serenity, after spiritual coaching with Rev. Michelle. “
— With gratitude, Ava LaMorte
“Michelle is an excellent coach. I was going through a very trying time with a big move and some health issues when I reached out to Michelle. I was freaking out. “
— Love you, Antonia Banewicz, Mindset Coach”